Hello blog friends, I am still alive and well although very behind in posting and sharing. I have been packing and cleaning and getting ready to move and by the time the weekends roll around, I am downright exhausted. I did however squeeze in a visit to my friend Tina and took her out for her birthday. She gave this lovely display piece to me including the seashells. I think I may use the shabby beach theme in one of my two bathrooms in my new apartment.
Hmmmm I don't know yet.

While I was down in her neck of the woods, I popped into the Goodwill and found this adorable silver butter dish. I just love pieces that are aged and tarnished and for $2.00 I couldn't pass it up.
I am looking forward to my big move into my little place where I can enjoy all the things that mean so much to me everyday. The longer I live the more I come to appreciate everyday that I am given and I find that I am happy with things that money just cannot buy.
Debbie Kay