Came down with the flu last week. Hit me Thursday night and I was in bed....... are you ready? " Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, got up Tuesday morning to go into work to prepare payroll, went to the doctors then went back to bed". Whew, what a blur it all was. I guess I contracted a virus so the doctor tells me to go home and go to bed and let it run its course........I needed one of these............

Well BEFORE I got sick, I had an opportunity to hit up the local Salvation Army. Now if you read my blog you might think that's all I do is " Thrift Shop" but I don't. I seize the opportunity when I have an hour here or there or most often on my lunch hour. I work full time and I am a mother to a very sweet and busy 10 year old boy. Karate lessons start for him in a few weeks so I will be rushing from work to get him to his lessons on time. In addition, I am wife to the best man whom I love with all my heart and I must be home to make dinner and clean up the kitchen. He works so hard for our family, I want him to ALWAYS feel valued beyond measure.

Here are some of my sweet little treasures. I just couldn't pass up the Tea Pot dry erase memo board. It was $4.00 and it has a little chip in it at the bottom on the right side but I didn't notice it right away, and I am hoping nobody else

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE these vintage cook booklets. I started collecting them and will share my little stash in another post. My husband and I have agreed that we are going to remodel the kitchen after the holidays are over and it is going to be all vintage. Now I don't really like the 1950's malt shop theme, I mean more like 1950's housewife-stay-at-home-June Cleaver type kitchen. I will fill it with love and with my touches and of course with lots and lots of homemade baked goods. I love to bake and my husband just can't get enough of my cakes, cookies, pies and treats. I already have a lot of vintage items we have bought along the way put away for our remodel.
These sweet little linen napkins were $1.00 and I just couldn't pass them up. The seafoam green wicker basket was $.50 and will probably be painted white at the first chance I get.
That sums it up for me!
This Cherub Duo will become one with white also. Last but not least is this little number I found at the Swap Meet. I was not really in the mood for it, my husband wanted to go a couple of weeks ago and it was so hot outside but I said "Ok just for a little while". Well just a little while and $10.00 later, I was the happy happy owner of this little vintage overnight bag. Its sooooooo sweet and so very very ME!

When I got it home, I found this little guy inside. Maybe he was placed in there by mistake or maybe it was "just my luck"! Either way, I consider it a good good day!
Have a great rest of the week and of course a beautiful weekend.