Do you remember the milkman? I sure do. |
We lived down the street from Jessup Dairy and they delivered milk right to our doorstep.
As kids, we drank milk with all 3 meals.
Oh how I wish I could go back and live in that time again, I had the best childhood.
My husband knows how much I cherish those memories. He found this ADORABLE milk truck and bought it for me for my birthday. My birthday isn't until this Friday but he spoils me all week long.
Well its not a full-size milk truck but it is just as sweet and cute and ADORABLE as it can be. |
Can't you just see the friendly milkman jump out of that truck? |
Fresh Milk delivery! |
I love my little milk truck! |
He even found this old order pad at a little antique shop, it goes perfectly with my little truck! |
How cute is that? |
Milk does a body good and makes me a very happy birthday girl! |