When I was a young(er) gal I didn't really follow a decorating pattern, I just went with what I liked and sort of decorated around it. Then I became attracted to "romantic style" or "shabby chic" and ran with it. I painted everything white, visions of soft roses and lace danced in my head and I just couldn't get enough "pink" in my world. I still adore it but find my taste kinda changing. Ok not in a dramatic way, I mean I am not giving it all up for "black lacquer" or anything like that, just trying to see my world with a little more color and diversity in it.
Here are some of my recent thrift shop finds
This pretty green compote grabbed my attention. It has a little chip in it but $1.99 can see past that
This little pot/planter spoke "Valentines Day" decor to me
I spied this little braided ceramic whatchamallit and decided it would be perfect on my desk at work to hold my cellphone. 
Love this little pic. I will undoubtedly paint the frame......pink maybe
I found this little green pitcher at the Goodwill and picked it up for my daughters apartment. I have been scouring the Thrift Shops for some "home" decor for her little place.
The longer I looked at it the more I liked it.....I have the perfect spot for it here at our house. She doesn't read my blog so she won't know I kept it. LolMy sister-in-law found this Scentsy burner at the Salvation Army and bought it for me. Love it! |
A tisket, a tasket a pretty yellow basket.
Wow I am enjoying decorating with colors I never dreamed I would use. Its fun to see how they can change the vibe in a room and compliment little spaces throughout our home.
Color me happy,
I love your style. You always find the best things. That green compote was a great find and how totally cute to use the little white basket for your cell phone. Hope all is well. I am ready for fall and done with the hot temps. Been there done that!!
You know I love color and your little thrift store finds add it to your decor perfectly. I think I would be keeping that little green pitcher, too.
Oh yes, My tastes are always changing, too! For now, I'm craving multi colors! I love that yellow basket. I would have bought that. ♥
Our tastes are so similar..(except the pink..I'm just starting to love it...lol. I'm a red girl). So you know I'm LOVING your red pyrex. Blessings.
I just fell in love with your blog...when I spied your incredible header...all filled with farmhouse charm!
Have a happy day, dear!
Carolynn xo
I'm loving COLOR too!!! The red's are speaking to me!!! Keep thinking a red kitchen would be awesome and yet I love my blue and yellow. Guess I could add a red accent! I guess us girls are always changing our minds! LOL!
Nice red finds!
Take care!
You always find the cutest things, Debbie! I know I'm always wanting to redo things around my home, too!
Hi Debbie...love the new finds. Especially the cell phone holder!!
Hey, I know this is really late notice, and I know you work, but I think Patty and her grandson, and hopefully Elaine and her little one, are going to come to my house on Tuesday to swim with me and my grandson. I know you live a long ways away, but if you can swing it. I would love to have you join us!!
Hope you are well!!
XO Kris
I'm with you. I love the white that everybody is into... but my home has color in it! I would get so bored with out it. :) Love your finds! :)
I love your yellow basket and of course your red pyrex piece! Well...really I like everything you have found! LOL
You make your home the coziest place ever!
Erica :)
Such great finds, Debbie!!!! I really like your little patriotic girl in your 4th post. Isn't it fun to hunt for great items to bring home? You sure found some wonderful treasures. Your kitchen is wonderful with all of the red and farmhouse touches.
Stay cool! It's going to be 103 up here today.
My tastes have changed over the years too, and I think they will probably continue to evolve. But the one thing that never changed is my love for the things I remember from my childhood years. the things from my Grandma's house, and parents house. The toys I played with. So no matter what my currently decorating style might be, those things have to fit in.
Hi Debbie! Isn't it something how our decorating tastes changes! I love how you decorate and love seeing your home. Pop over to my blog and see the little birds you've given me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You have some very pretty things and your decorating style is charming. I think a home should be filled with things that make the people inside feel comfortable, cozy and happy. So whatever color or style, I say go for it. It looks like you have it all figured out! --------Shannon
Hi Debbie, I loved seeing your thrift store finds. You found some pretty things! Jean
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